Why women don’t get what they want.
From a very young age, we are taught to sit down and be quiet, close our mouth and our legs and do what we're told! Did you ever get told this one? Little girls should be seen and not heard! Our parents with the best of intentions subconsciously programing us to not speak up, or perhaps you were the one who rebelled.. the black sheep of the family?
Then we went to school and this conditioning was reinforced.. sit down, do what you are told. Behave.. Be a good girl…
As we transitioned into the workplace, many of us, found ourselves in male dominated environments, where once again our natural curiosity, joy, wonder and excitement was unappreciated and undervalued. Maybe you were told, you are ‘too much’ or ‘too emotional’
Perhaps you were overlooked for the promotion, even though you knew in your heart of hearts that you were the best person for the job. Perhaps you were treated differently because you were a woman, or a mother or perhaps planning to be a mother..
As a result of the years of conditioning we have created beliefs about ourselves and being a woman. These beliefs have been operating under the surface, holding you back from creating the life that you truly love and becoming the woman that you were born to be.
Is any of this resonating????
When you uncover and clear the conscious and subconscious beliefs that have been holding you back from your desires, you become a rocket ship towards your desires. You become unstoppable in every area of your life!
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